Curated Closet - MEMBERS ONLY
Our newest and exclusive service for members. If you love shopping from our guides but struggle to mix and match the pieces in your wardrobe then this service is for you! Think of it as having your very own personal stylist to create stylish outfits using what you already own.
The best part is you get access to our online closet app, which is typically reserved for
Overhaul clients. This app lets you view your curated outfits from your phone, making it
super easy and convenient to stay stylish on the go.
It's never been easier to get dressed. Get ready to step out with confidence, knowing your wardrobe is curated and ready for anything!
This package includes:
Style Questionnaire
Online Closet App - you'll get access to our online closet app to upload key wardrobe pieces (max 150 pieces)
Custom Outfits (15+ outfits)
*Please note:
- This is a virtual service that takes up to 3 weeks to complete.
- This service is catered to members who have purchased from our style guides and currently own updated wardrobe items.
- The price is inclusive of your member discount.
- All services are nonrefundable but can be rescheduled if necessary.